Maine Clean Election Act
In 1996 Maine voters passed the
Maine Clean Election Act and established the Maine Clean Election Fund through the citizens initiative process. This is a very special piece of legislation. It allows candidates for office to take a pledge to run clean by financing their campaign from MCEF funds only. The fund is financed from qualifying contributions from residents all across the state. A qualifying contribution is a $5 donation to the MCEA fund.
To make a qualifying contribution to my campaign you must be a resident of district 70, Hiram, Porter, Brownfield, Fryeburg and most of Lovell. The contribute button to the left begins the online contribution process, or you can contact me at

to arrange a way to donate in person by cash or cheque.
If a candidate hasn't taken the MCEA pledge they are getting their funding in much larger amounts from many fewer sources. My campaign will be financed entirely by you, the people I want to represent in Augusta.
How does it work?
Unlike a "traditionally" financed campaign, MCEA candidadcy requires a campaign financed to be for the people and by the people. With a minimum contribution of $5, candidates must show that they have wide support from the community, rather than the support from a few financially advantaged supporters.
Who can donate?
Donations may only be made by individuals, who must also be registered to vote in the candidate's district.
When do I donate?
Donations are active between Janurary 1, 2020 to October 13, 2020.